Index → Hairs → Usnea → U. dasopoga= Usnea caucasica Vainio
= Usnea dasypoga auct. non (Ach.) Shirley
= Usnea esthonica Räsänen
= Usnea filipendula Stirton
= Usnea flagellata Motyka
= Usnea sublaxa Vainio
 Location: British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Albert Head Date: 2013-10-03 Photo by: Curtis Björk Notes: On Quercus twig in open woods near marine shore
 Location: Washington, Redondo Beach Park, northern end of Puget Sound Date: 2011-04-02 Photo by: Curtis Björk Notes: On conifer in forest at edge of sheltered lagoon
 Location: British Columbia, Clearwater Valley Date: 2010-11-01 Photo by: Curtis Björk Notes: On trunk of Alnus rubra in swamp forest
Index → Hairs → Usnea → U. dasopoga